Bird Creek Bridge, Osage County

The Nelagony Bridge

This sturdy bridge spanning Bird Creek was built in 1930 just a half mile north of Nelagony in Osage County.  Each span is 100 feet in length and of riveted Pratt design with 6 panels and a concrete deck with asphalt wearing surface. The bridge is in excellent shape, and all details seem to be well designed. The above photo is looking south thru the bridge.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of this bridge is the stone piers and abutments that the structure rests on. The left picture is the North abutment, constructed of stone on poured concrete footings. The right photo is the river pier, beautifully constructed with an elegant taper. This is an excellent bridge and in very good condition. No posted weight limit was noted.

Below, a silhouette of the bridge against the evening sky.


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