Built in 1923 by the Patterson Steel Co., this bridge carries 106th Street North across Hominy Creek near its confluence with Bird Creek. The bridge consists of a riveted Oklahoma State Highway Commission standard-design Parker through truss, and two standard-design Warren pony spans. The parker span is 140 feet in length. All spans have concrete decks, and the Warren pony spans have floorbeams only, no stringers are used. The above and below photos give two good overviews of this bridge.
Above, looking through the bridge on the deck. This bridge has many details which are trademark features of bridges built in the 1920's in Oklahoma, such as the lattice guard rails and the portal frames with curved knee braces.
Below, a close-up of one of the 60-foot Warren pony spans.
Above, a back view of the portal.
Below, a final view of the bridge.