Although a "king post" truss bridge was recorded in Lincoln Co. a few years before this one, we were much more excited to see this example. The Lincoln Co. example makes extensive use of welded joints, while this structure is entirely pin-connected. The date given in the records for this bridge is 1940.
Above, bridge hunters Ken and David serving as a scale and discussing the austere simplicity of this structure. The king post truss is the oldest type of truss, dating to at least medieval time, where it would have been used primarily for supporting roofs. Below, a view along side showing the lower chord and concrete abutments. Note the empty rivet holes in the angle suggesting the possibility of a sidewalk cantilevered off the side of the bridge at one time.
Above, the king post. An empty hole was found in the pin indicating it was designed to be secured with a cotter pin. This detail gives strong reason to suggest the Canton Bridge Co. as builder. Note that the king post is made up of 4 angles double laced.
Below, it is hard to make out with the layers of paint, but the Cambria steel mark was found on this channel.
Above, detail of the lower end of the king post with lower chord connections. Note again the two angles with the empty rivet holes. Was this bridge built as a 2-panel truss? Or was it shortened from a longer pony bridge? We do feel confident in thinking this span has been moved, a common occurrence with truss bridges.