Built in 1939 by Guy H. James, this bridge carried traffic on US 64 until the early 1990's. This bridge is unique for its very wide deck. You will note that the deck runs at nearly the center line of the trusses. This bridge was built in response to the collapse of an older bridge built circa 1911 about 1/2 mile east of here. This bridge was a multiple span Parker through truss, consisting of 8 or 9 170-foot spans. In 1938 two of the spans collapsed. You may read more about this in this article. The lally columns and south abutments of this earlier single lane crossing still exist. Above, this is how the bridge looked in early 2001, when we first visited it.
Below, A deck view. 19 100-foot long Parker pony truss spans exist today, though records indicate and evidence has been found there were an additional eight pony spans on the north end, separated from the south 19 by approx. 500 feet of earth fill. This was likely a flood relief structure and was removed when the bridge was bypassed.
Above, a view along side the bridge. Note how unusually deep the floorbeams are.
Below, side view of a 100-foot Parker Pony span. Note the bridgehunter for scale. This is a standard-design bridge, designed by the state highway engineer, and one of the most popular truss types ever used in Oklahoma.
Above and below, an unusual feature for a bridge of this age, and cleverly disguised as a sidewalk, are the spaces allowed for running conduits across on the structure. From what we can tell, these "sidewalk" covers were designed to be removable.
Above, a view underneath the structure. The deep floorbeams are built-up plate girders made of angles and plate. They are a bridge all in themselves, at some 30 feet in length.
Below, a final view, taken alongside. Note the plate riveted to the web of the channel of the lower chord in the middle panel. This is a heavily built highway bridge, and we are pleased to see it still in use for pedestrian purposes.
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