OK 10 Across the Spring River, Ottawa Co.

Built in 1952, this impressive crossing consists of a 210-foot long deck Warren span, three 100-foot deck Warren spans, and steel stringer approaches. It is located on OK 10 east of Miami.

Above, a deck view of this fine bridge.

Below, looking from the side, standing on the west abutment. This is the only photo I made with all spans visible at one time. Note that it is a long way down to the waters of the Spring River.

Above, a close up of the guard posts and ornamental railings.

Below, a view of the main span. Over 20 feet in depth, this span is 210 feet in length and is built entirely of plates and channels, with angles for wind bracing and laterals, and I beams for the deck structure.

Above, another view of the main span with one of the shorter deck warrens.  The concrete work on the piers is fairly recent, and with all the recent work on this bridge, I would expect new paint to be next.

Below, the day's bridge hunting crew was larger than usual and all took a break from inspecting the bridge to serve as a scale.

Finally, a view from a small side stream just north of the bridge. From here we were able to see the ruins of another bridge which carried OK 10 across this river until this bridge was built.