This bridge, built in 1922 by the Vincennes Bridge Co., of Vincennes, Indiana. It consists of four 180-foot pin-connected Parker trusses and a steel stringer approach span at each end. The approach spans appear to be of 1960's vintage, and for good reason. When Lake Hudson was built, the bridge was raised., and thus, the approaches rebuilt.
The photo below shows our engineering expert, David, hiding out in the shade by the bridge's endpost.
Above is the plaque mounted on the portal.
The bridge is very typical of bridges built during this time and is in good shape, other than needing paint. This bridge is a typical early state-standard design bridge. Most bridges built new after about 1920 will conform to these standards.
Looking east though the bridge, the lacing in the riveted middle panels is very prominent. Each span is 9 panels.
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